
September 08, 2007

Mom and Dad visit Japan

Back tracking and playing catchup a lot... mom and dad made it to Japan!... last April. Of course it was awesome to see them, since it'd been awhile. They arrived at the airport without too much trouble, other than a cranky American immigration officer harassing them in Winnipeg and some problems sorting the cash machine out (if you don't remove your cash from the slot quickly enough, it will close and your money will be gone). Wisely, they rented a cell phone in case they got lost.

Here we are at in front of the airport! I opted to take my parents to my place on the bus, so they would have a cool view of Tokyo.

Here's a photo shot from the bus. They seems interested by the city as they tried not to fall asleep.

By the time we got near my place, it was getting dark. The neon lights must've been shocking compared to small-town Canada!

Bikes are a popular thing here.

Here we are near my home the next day.

There I am; posing on the street.

On my parents first day in Japan, I left them to fend for themselves as I went off to work.

Gan-butt-eh (Good luck!) mom and dad! You're alone in the most populated city in the world!