
August 08, 2005

Clubbing in Busan

On Saturday, I went down to Busan with my friends Emily and Tom Lensky(a crazy Russian guy!). We were originally going to watch some of the Busan Rockfest down on Dadaepo beach, but due to complications beyond our control (Lensky getting us to eat at a cheap buffet for 3,500 won in Ulsan, which didn't totally suck), we were hours late and got to the beach just in time to miss the ending. I did manage to buy some soju though. Good 'ol cheap Korean vodka/soju. I don't even need to mix it! I pay a thousand won and just give 'er like Tron. Except that Tron funking blows.

Upon realizing that we'd completely missed the concert, we ran into one of the Russian girls that I know from the university. She told us that she was going to the Vinyl Underground club and to meet her in da club. Off to Vinyl Undergroud we went. After a subway ride halfway (because it closes at midnight) and a taxi ride, we were there. For a 5,000 won cover charge, I got admission and a vodka martini. The vodka martini sucked ass. Don't ever order one from the Vinyl Underground in Busan. Order a beer or run and coke instead.

The club itself was a normal nightclub; girls dancing in sexy outfits and guy trying to grind up against them. Same, same; no different than any other club. I had a pretty good time, except for Lensky trying to sing "Berserker" from the movie "Clerks".

I'm just kidding about that last part.

After a while, we decided that it was time to leave. We were hungry. We found a little side restaruant and Emily ordered some chicken. They gave us pork, the idiots. Then they gave us chicken feet (which is actually what Emily unknowingly ordered). They charged us for their blunder, we bitched, and we were on our way.

Since the subway doesn't open until 5:30am, we were stuck in Busan until then. It was 4am. We were all tired. Emily and Lensky opted to sleep on the subway stairs. I had a better idea.

PC Bang! PC rooms have chairs that are definetely more comfortable than concrete subway stairs, and they only cost 1,000 won per hour. Lensky was drunk and sleeping, so I told Emily to come with me and we found a PC Bang across the street. She fell asleep in a comfy chair and I surfed around on the Disney site for an hour. Daffy is one hot duck, let me tell you.

When 5:30 hit, we made our way back to the subway. After a long subway ride and a short bus ride, I was a five minute walk from my place. A deep sleep ensued.


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