
July 27, 2005


This post goes out to my most awesome friend from high school, Mike, and to my great friend and former housemate in university, Sarah.

You two both got married on the same day (not to each other!), about a week and a half ago. Congratulations!

Even if I was in Canada, I would've missed both weddings. One was in Vancouver and the other was in Thunder Bay. At least I had a good excuse for not being at either!

It was also awesome talking to Mike, his new wife Christie, and my other most awesome friend, Jeff, via my mother's hand-a-pone during the reception.

Here's a few picas that Jeff sent me:

There's Christie the bride (left), Jeff (middle) and Mike (groom). It's a really nice picture except for one peculiar thing; why does Mike's face has a slight grimace to it? We shall soon find out...

Jeff and Mike are pretending that they're pro wrestlers; doing an nWo pose. Jeff looks a little to happy for the part and Mike tooks a little to stiff. The slight grimace from the previous picture has developed into a slightly painful look. I think he may have swallowed a brick when he was up at the alter. You okay dude?

If you look closely at the expression on Mike's face, you can conclude that the brick has now passed though the large intestines and has entered into the district of the lower intestines of Mike's inards. It must've been a rough night for Christie...

Jeff must've realized this, as his large happy smile has evolved into an all out slight chuckle.

Ahhhhh... relief is in sight. Jeff has finally felt some pity for his newly wed friend and let Mike lean on his shoulder as the brick passed from his lower intestine into the upper rectal region. That is why you let him lean on your shoulder, isn't it Jeff?

I've just realized that Jeff wasn't smiling because of the brick that Mike ate before the wedding, and that he wasn't letting him lean on his shoulder because he felt sorry for his friend. It was because he drank so much free wine that he mistook Mike for Tammy Plante! Dude, you might want to cut back on the drinking a little bit. When the girl's hand is as large as your head, it's time to go home... by yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blake you are a baaaaaad friend!!!! Good thing you have a mother that loves you! They are nice pics tho and it was a great wedding......mom

July 28, 2005 12:18 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like how you painted the nails red. it was a nice touch
- rhi -

July 28, 2005 12:38 a.m.

Blogger Blake said...

MS Paint!

July 28, 2005 12:42 a.m.


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