
October 07, 2005

Korean department stores: Part 2: Carrefour

Carrefour is a French department store. I'm sure that Kelsey knows all about it. Unlike Homeplus, the main floor of the one that I was in was just like a shopping mall. It had small "stores" in the corridors, each with their own cashiers and the like. There was the sports store, the clock store, the jewlery store, etc. The interesting this is that these weren't really stores. They're all themed sections on the first floor of the Carrefour in Hyundai, Pusan. There is also a food court on this level. There is also a basement floor, which is just like your everyday giant Superstore.

A cool jungle of highway on the way to the Hyundai district of Pusan. Note that this is not a car district. It's just a section of town, like York in Toronto, St. James in Winnipeg, Northlands in Edmonton, etc.

This is as close to a mall as I've ever seen in Korea. It's brought to you by the French!

Hello Carrefour shoppers. Purple eyeliner is now on sale in the facial products store! (now watch as a massive stampede of old Korean ladies rush to colour their non-existant eyebrows purple.)

Here's a view of part of the food court. I'll talk more about that soon.

Ahh... Here we are in the basement. This place is just like Superstore or a giant Wal-Mart in North America. There's a grocery area, clothes area, electronics area, toy area, sports area, car accessories area, etc.



This kid was pretty funny to watch. Everytime that he made Mario jump, he swung the controller in the air as well. This brought back memories from my childhood... and last weekend.

Yes, that's the original Super Mario Brothers that he's playing. It's one of those "50 in 1" game consoles that probably doesn't have anyone's permission to use their games. Korea doesn't seem to enforce the piracy rules very much here. Still, it's not quite Thailand.


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