
February 25, 2006

Gay Super Vomit

One of my middle-school classes that I've taught (I say taught, because the class has changed enough in the past couple weeks that it seems like an entire different class), was an all boys class. There was probably eight or so boys in the class. As the boys are all in the middle of puberty, they are perverted at best.

Anywho, at the end of most classes, I do a fun activity (read: game) with my classes. One of the activities is called "The Never-ending sentence." The goal of the game is, as the title implies, to create as long of sentence as possible. This is done by having each student say one word; adding it only the sentence in a somewhat coheirant fashion.

I should've known better. Within two rounds, the sentence went something like this:

"The gay man went to the gay restaurant and ate three dogs, then he did a gay super vomit."

This was the tame part! Of course, I was laughing so hard that I didn't even try to stop it.

And people wonder why I'm the favorite teacher (the candy I give out might be a factor in this as well)!


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