
February 17, 2006

The Drunk Guy

Upon getting home from work today, at 1o pm, I noticed that two of the three motorbikes out front had fallen down. They both had damage (broken tail-lights, baggage compartment, etc.) My bike was the only one that was standing. It didn't take me too long to find the culpret; an extremely drunken guy sleeping in the middle of the mess. As one of the bikes belonged to a co-worker, I was rightfully pissed off. I didn't like the thought of my bike being damaged either. So, after poking the guy with my crutches a bit, and realizing that he wasn't responding to much of anything, I knocked on the door of the restaurant across the street from my apartment building, and pointed them in the direction of the drunken idiot. They tried to get his attention, but the guy was beyond drunk. They called the police, which showed up after a few minutes. They couldn't get his attention either. So, I just watched as they threw him into the car and drove off. The guys from the restaurant picked up the bikes (one of which had fallen on a car, but didn't seen to damage it; this was before the police arrived), and informed me that the police might be back later for questioning tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the picture is a bit blurry. I took this just as the police were arriving. This guy was toasted.


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