
November 23, 2005

Made in China

Today at school, I made Canada the theme of my classes. I talked about beavers, moose, cariboo and polar bears. I tried to explain how Queen Elizabeth could be the Queen of Canada, while she is also the Queen of England, Australia AND New Zealand (and then some). I spent every class passing Canadian coins around and showing the kids a picture of my family. I also handed out little Canadian flag pins to all of the students. One of the smarter kids explained to me when I was supposed to pronounce "a" like "ah" and when to pronounce it like "eh". I told him that Canadians just always say "eh". He didn't get it. Things basically went smoothly all day. There was one funny thing that happened though...

While closely examining his pin, one of my students yelled out something that made me laugh.

"Blake-teacher", he said.

"What is it?", said I.

"This Canada pin says made in China!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That figures!!!Oh Canada...true patriot love..

November 23, 2005 6:36 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been shopping non stop for the last week or two (home redecoration).
So far, a perfect 15 out of 15 items that I have purchased has been a "Made In China". This is after I looked at the labels.

November 23, 2005 9:37 a.m.


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