
October 22, 2005

My new apartment

This is my new apartment. It's much better than my old one, yet not nearly as nice as Dave's, or John and Sonja's in Busan. Let's check it out:

Here's looking in my place from the hallway. The main area is straight though the door, while my W.C. is on the right. Those washroom sandels on the bottom-right come in handy on an often wet floor.

Here's the water closet. It's of the shit-and-shower variety. On other words, the bathroom floor is also the shower floor. You can see the shower hose coming from the sink. It's completely possible to shit (in the toilet, of course!) and shower at the same time. That could definetely make for a sobering experience if I come home from the bar and try to wash my hands, only to be rained on from above because I forgot to turn off the shower switch.

This is looking onto my kitchen area.

This is my bedroom/living room area. Those are Ken's boxes. He moved to Seoul, and is supposed to pick up his stuff in November. I might just decide to sell it instead... :)

I like these chairs.

Cable-TV, VCR, X-Box (DVD), and some books of Biblical proportions. What more could I need? The beer is in the fridge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you felling okay??? yur apt it's so neat and clean!!!???? impressive...my how you've grown up xo MOM

October 23, 2005 11:20 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Blakey! It's Kels! I like your new apartment way better too! I want to come visit! When you're rich you can send me a plane ticket!

October 24, 2005 12:22 p.m.


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