
November 01, 2005


The Friday before Halloween (a word which I make sure to spell as "Hallowe'en for my kids) was a party at Dave's. It was not a Halloween party. It was another housewarming party. This time, it was to celebrate Dave's amazing new 36" television, his new kitchen cubboards, and his new has range, complete with four elements and duel oven. Pretty exciting stuff, right?

Kevin had decided to dress as a she-he for Halloween, and had his wig with him. He was not dressed up on this night though, so I quickly improvised and turned myself into a heavy metal god.

I am a metal god!

The rest of the night saw me mixing strange concoctions involving colourful liquers, juices, sodas and hard alcohol (sometimes all in the same drink). Needless to say, I was in good shape thoughout the night. I cannot say the same about Saturday afternoon, when I finally regained consciousness.

There is a possibility that I am exaggerating on my condition.

The other highlight of the night was having a heated argument with Wolfgang about the truths of Jesus Christ. He was trying to tell me that Christianity was all a big lie, while I was trying to tell him that he was full of shit. The argument basically went something like this:

Blake: I can't find where it says in the Bible that pre-marital sex is wrong. I can only find where it says that extra-marital sex is wrong.
Wolfgang: That's because pre-marital sex isn't wrong.
Blake: That's what I'm trying to figure out!
Wolfgang: Christianity is all a big lie.
Blake: That was out of left field.
Wolfgang: It's true, but you can believe what you want to.
Blake: Thanks, but if you believe that it's wrong, tell me why.
Wolfgang: I know what you're trying to do. You just want to bring me back to Jesus.
Blake: So what? I don't really expect to be able to do that. I'd actually like to know how you came to that conclusion. I'm a curious guy.
Wolfgang: I won't tell you that.
Blake: Why not?
Wolfgang: I won't tell you that because if I did, it would destroy your faith.
Blake: How do you know that? Maybe it would, but maybe it wouldn't.
Wolfgang: It definetely would.
Blake: Prove it. Why did you leave Christianity?
Wolfgang: I can't tell you. You have to discover the truth on your own.
Blake: What the hell? You lead me on, then you won't even tell me why?
Wolfgang: It would kill your faith.
Blake: Well, if what you have concluded is so powerful and truthful, then maybe I should hear it.
Wolfgang: I won't tell you.
Blake: Why not? I want you to!
Wolfgang: I won't tell you.
Blake: Why not!

This went on for the next half an hour ago, and seemed to attract a bit of a crowd (or maybe it was just Dave). I'm not exactly sure why people would watch this one, it wasn't exactly a very well spoken yelling match. The last few lines were basically repeated the entire time. Eventually, I make like Carman and said, "screw you guys, I'm going home." So, I went home. I don't remember how long it took, but I managed to get there in one alive and with a headache the next day.

After thinking about it, I can conclude one thing: Wolfgang had no good argument. She sure does like Buddha though.

Wolfgang and I, headbanging to some Zep.

The next day day was when I ran across the copy of NHL '06, which I happily copied onto my X-Box. I did eventually make it to Tombstone. I think I made it there by 4am. The party was still going strong. I had not one drop of alcohol in me. I simply played pool for a while, as I gazed upon the various Halloween costumes. The hottest one was Gaya in a Kimono. It's amazing how much a Korean girl looks like a Japanese girl when she's dressed like a traditional Japanese girl. The costume that captivated me the most was a girl that was dressed as Eve. She had on some undergarments (the type where the legs go down to the knees. They looked fairly similar to the special underwear that Mormons wear) and had sewed some leaves over her private parts. Another good costume was a mamogram machine. The guy wearing it had covered a box with tinfoil, added a sign that said something about it being a mamogram machine, and cut out two cups (at his face level) for breasts to be set in for inspection. It was pretty funny.

An example of the undergarments that Mormons get to wear.

On Monday, I didn't do too much extra for Halloween with my kids. I already give them candy on a regular basis (and keep the local dentists in business in the process), so I just gave them more. I added some extra games onto the schedule as well. That was it. At least I made them say "trick or treat" before I gave some of them candy.

Ironically, I've probably done more for Halloween this year, while living in a country that has never heard of the odd holiday, then I have in the past five years in Canada.


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