
April 21, 2005

Bad night

I had a pretty bad ending to a decent night last night.

Lucky me, I had my jacket stolen last night. In my pockets were my MP3 player, my camera, my cell phone and my keys. As least I still have my wallet, as it was in my pants poctet. I keep my passport in my apartment, so that's safe too.

Life's a bitch sometimes. At least I get paid on Monday.

The foreingers who were at the bar (Tombstone, where else?) last night were all decent people. There was one swaggering drunk Korea, who is a obvious suspect. We (my friends and I) suspect that he was just really drunk and put it on my mistake. Who knows... We tried to ring my phone a number of times, hoping that he would answer. No luck. We left a text message on it too; with a message to return everything to Tombstone.

At least the guys here have been nice. Andy, one of the owners, let me drink some beer on the house, and Colin let me sleep on his couch (since I can't get into my place). I'll have to go into work early to tell my boss to get another key cut.

Obviously, don't expect me to answer my phone or to post any cool pictures for awhile.

Other than that, I'm doing fine. My job seems to be going well, and otherwise happy and I'm meeting a lot of awesome people here. Life isn't always rosy, and I know that. With every good, there's usually some bad. When shit happens, suck it up and move on.

Whether you take it as fact or not, the book of Job (with a long "O", like jobe), in the Old Testament, is a good book to read when things get fucked up. He had his family, wealth and health taken away from him. He suffered for years He eventually aqurired a new family, regained his wealth and became healthy again.

Carpe diem.


Blogger Jessica said...

Blake, sorry to hear about your bad luck! That is such a sad shame. Luckily you've posted a lot of your pictures already and you're on your way to rich-pay-day extravangance so it will all work out. Anyway, glad you're positive about it, and maybe it'll show up somehow...

April 21, 2005 10:48 a.m.

Blogger Blake said...

Thanks Jess.

April 21, 2005 11:07 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks!!! Keep your chin up hopefully the sun will shine on you soon. xo Mom

April 21, 2005 1:43 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend just told me to check in on astroboy so I did. Sorry to hear about your loss - that really sucks. I just got all my credit cards back that were stolen on me. Hope you get lucky and the guy returns things to "Cheers" tonight "Norm".
Aunt K.

April 22, 2005 4:01 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Blake, remeber to cancel your ph so you don't get a surprise bill and change the lock on your apt door as whoever has your stuff could have access to your apt with your keys. Play it safe xo mom

April 22, 2005 4:10 a.m.

Blogger Blake said...

Thanks all.

I cancelled my phone already. I'm not too worried about my door, because only a couple of people know where I live. There are no markings on the key.

April 22, 2005 2:53 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your head up Blake. Things have a way of working out. I'm sure by the end of next week, your won't even think about it. Another idea, go back to that bar. Beat the shit outta that guy, ya know, the suspect. Weather he did it or not, you'll feel better about it. Cheers!. M.S.-Dryden.

April 23, 2005 12:44 p.m.

Blogger Blake said...

As fun as it would be to beat the hell out of some drunken idiot, it's a bad idea here; especially if the idiot is a Korean.

A foreigner here, on an E2 work visa, has few rights. If I beat up a Korean, I could be deported faster than you could say "kimchi".

Who is M.S., anyway? I can think of a few people with those initials.

April 23, 2005 4:01 p.m.


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